gbf german biofuels gmbh
Am Hünengrab 9
16928 Pritzwalk OT Falkenhagen
Management: |
Bengt Korupp (CEO) |
Phone: |
0339865050 |
Fax: |
03398650599 |
Internet: | |
Email: |
HRB: |
Amtsgericht Neuruppin HRB 9238 NP |
Ust. - ID.Nr.: |
DE 276 661 736 |
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At german biofuels gmbH (gbf) we do our utmost to keep our website content up to date, complete and accurate. Since information is subject to rapid changes, we might not fulfill this task at all times and in every particular case. Therefore, we cannot assume any responsibility or liability for the currency, accuracy, completeness of quality of the contents presented on our website. Claims based on the incorrectness, incompleteness or ambiguousness of this information are categorically excluded.
Gbf cannot be held responsible for or assume any liability for the correctness, accuracy, or completeness currency of the contents or for the unrestricted access to the contents.
This website may contain links to other websites, the contents of which is not necessarily approved or continuously checked by gbf. Consequently, gbf cannot assume any responsibility or liability for such contents of third party websites.
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The contents and form of the gbf website are subject to intellectual property laws. The use or reproduction of gbf’s website or its contents is subject to gbf’s written consent, which must be obtained in advance, in so far as the reproduction and use is not permitted by law.
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Brand names and logos used on gbf’s website are protected by intellectual property laws. It is not permitted to use the names and logos presented on this website without obtaining prior consent from the respective copyright owners.
An investment into your future

Supported by the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, Women and Family Rights from the funds of the European Social Fund and the Land Brandenburg